Our Purpose
This summit was the foundational gathering for the International Resilience Network which aims to increase social-ecological resilience – the co-evolution of social-human and ecological systems - through connecting and supporting locally based innovations in participating regions and countries.
Based on the principles of Reciprocity, Participation and Exchange, the Network will aim to effect three critical axes of change: 1) Infusing Indigenous world-views into the field of socio-ecological innovation; 2) building inclusive capacities through re-surfacing worldviews and practices of deep-interconnectedness across diverse and often ‘siloed’ communities, sectors and disciplines; and 3) supporting youth, emerging scholars, social innovation pioneers to be at the fore-front of co-creating resilience communities. Our 5-7 year goal is an established community of practice and system of influence which through galvanising a diverse but complementary range of worldviews, creative synergies and resource opportunities is revolutionizing our approaches to and positively impacting social-ecological resilience.